Thursday, July 2, 2009
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
"There was once a boy...
Who lived in a world where everybody owned a book. And when I say that I mean EVERYBODY owned one, whether they liked it or not, whether they liked to read or not, whether they were literate or not. But now, this boy here, had two. I guess that made him kind of weird in some ways. One book was filled with many things, but nobody read it. The other was empty, but hey, he could write whatever he wanted in it, and everybody read it. But he wishes, he really wishes, someone would someday read the book never opened."
Random musings really. There are some times things just pop into my head and I'd have to write them down or I would forget, haha. Ignore this ;)
Random musings really. There are some times things just pop into my head and I'd have to write them down or I would forget, haha. Ignore this ;)
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
So, I haven't updated for quite some time, yeah, I've been set free from A-Levels and fully enjoying it ;) Been doing the things that I haven't been doing for so long! Besides going for hours on online games (RO, DotA), I've been pretty much going out every day since Thursday, save Sunday, the official day of rest for all ;)
Actually I'm kinda dead on my feet right now. You would be too if you didn't get a single wink of sleep at all the night before and went out to sumbit a uni application and proceeding to Cineleisure to catch a movie and have been sleeping at ungodly hours for many nights before. Quite honestly, I must say, I was struggling to stay awake when driving to HELP in the morning, but all that fatigue just flew somewhere when I was with everyone, and that wasn't the only thing that flew. Time did too :) I guess friends are something I'dhate to live without probably die without, and I love you guys, all of you ;) So yeah, guys,
Actually I'm kinda dead on my feet right now. You would be too if you didn't get a single wink of sleep at all the night before and went out to sumbit a uni application and proceeding to Cineleisure to catch a movie and have been sleeping at ungodly hours for many nights before. Quite honestly, I must say, I was struggling to stay awake when driving to HELP in the morning, but all that fatigue just flew somewhere when I was with everyone, and that wasn't the only thing that flew. Time did too :) I guess friends are something I'd
And even then may our memories remain and hopefully, by some miracle, may our paths will cross again in the future, no matter near or far, whereever we are. Thank you to everyone whose smile has ever touched my life, because you definitely have, in one way or another and a special thanks to everyone in A52(A) for undoubtedly some of the best days of my life =)

We shall all meet again someday, I believe, I really do. So, till then, everyone, take care and God bless! =)
And even then may our memories remain and hopefully, by some miracle, may our paths will cross again in the future, no matter near or far, whereever we are. Thank you to everyone whose smile has ever touched my life, because you definitely have, in one way or another and a special thanks to everyone in A52(A) for undoubtedly some of the best days of my life =)
We shall all meet again someday, I believe, I really do. So, till then, everyone, take care and God bless! =)
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Hopes and dreams.
"And you were the sun that hung in my sky."

"As hopes and dreams soar through the pastel coloured sky, a gaping void is left behind, but these feelings will last forever, in both our hearts."

"Senpai, I painted well, didn't I?"
Hatsukoi Limited Episode 9
"Are you currently in love?"
"As hopes and dreams soar through the pastel coloured sky, a gaping void is left behind, but these feelings will last forever, in both our hearts."
"Senpai, I painted well, didn't I?"
Hatsukoi Limited Episode 9
"Are you currently in love?"
Don't mind me, random post to take my mind off Phys 5. Edexcel seems to have taken quite a liking to making people think out of the box lately >.> and I DON'T LIKE. Meh, Chem 5 here I comeee.
Friday, May 29, 2009
The stupid things you write....
When you're a science student...

"Therefore, I must decrease". LOL. If my English teacher ever saw that I swear she'd die laughing. Okay, maybe it isn't that funny. Maybe it's just me having a nervous breakdown from all this studying. But to quote Angie, "We shall float on!" Haha, 21 days to freedom guys! =) Let's keep that steam engine rolling!
Thursday, May 21, 2009
On a lighter note,
My latest research findings display that sleeping brothers display negative phototropism! Heehee =D I wanted to take pictures, but he woke up x_x Haha xD
Usually it's just one straight road. No choices to make. Everything is laid out for you and set in stone for you since you were a child.
PMR? Science stream or Arts stream.
"You got 7A's! Go for Science! You're smart, I know you can!"
"Okay lah."
Decision made.
SPM? Now is the time sparks start flying. The pressure to make a choice is upon you. And this choice concerns you and what you'll be doing for the rest of your life. Some make up their mind here.
"Foundation in Business/Finance/Medicine/(insert field here)" "Matriculation."
Some require higher qualifications to get into universities overseas. And some... Just couldn't make up their minds. So they say,
And so it goes on for another year and a half. Most people have already decided on what they've had to do by this point. Most people. Most people except me. I'm presented with two choices. The sunny path, trodden by many witha bright future ahead, or the dark tunnel. Dank, deep, devoid of light, like the bowels of a predator, waiting to engulf unsuspecting prey whole, leaving nothing behind.
As of now, I've chosen the dark tunnel..... And of course, I'm afraid. And I hope, hope that I can achieve all that I wish to achieve. And I believe, I have to believe in the light at the end of this tunnel.
So I pray, pray that I may have the determination to follow my decision through, and be the best that I can be. And I pray that in moments of weakness I will find strength to pursue my ideals. And I pray, that 10 years down the road, if our paths cross again, I'll be someone I can be proud of being, and you be proud of knowing. And I pray the same for each and every one of you who's reading this right now. Blessed be our lives from here on out, down this forking road. Never give in to darkness and believe in the light, for
PMR? Science stream or Arts stream.
"You got 7A's! Go for Science! You're smart, I know you can!"
"Okay lah."
Decision made.
SPM? Now is the time sparks start flying. The pressure to make a choice is upon you. And this choice concerns you and what you'll be doing for the rest of your life. Some make up their mind here.
"Foundation in Business/Finance/Medicine/(insert field here)" "Matriculation."
Some require higher qualifications to get into universities overseas. And some... Just couldn't make up their minds. So they say,
And so it goes on for another year and a half. Most people have already decided on what they've had to do by this point. Most people. Most people except me. I'm presented with two choices. The sunny path, trodden by many witha bright future ahead, or the dark tunnel. Dank, deep, devoid of light, like the bowels of a predator, waiting to engulf unsuspecting prey whole, leaving nothing behind.
As of now, I've chosen the dark tunnel..... And of course, I'm afraid. And I hope, hope that I can achieve all that I wish to achieve. And I believe, I have to believe in the light at the end of this tunnel.
So I pray, pray that I may have the determination to follow my decision through, and be the best that I can be. And I pray that in moments of weakness I will find strength to pursue my ideals. And I pray, that 10 years down the road, if our paths cross again, I'll be someone I can be proud of being, and you be proud of knowing. And I pray the same for each and every one of you who's reading this right now. Blessed be our lives from here on out, down this forking road. Never give in to darkness and believe in the light, for
"Only in the dark when I can't seem to see.
I learn to hear Your whisper that's been guiding me.
Reach out for the hand that bears the light,
So my step is right,
Only in the dark."
Juwita Suwito - Only in the Dark
(Click to Download!)
"When you really have to, muster the courage. Take the road less taken and hold your head high whether it turns out for better or for worse. Chase your dreams, rediscover passion, for daring to dream is passion. And passion is love. And love heals all."
I learn to hear Your whisper that's been guiding me.
Reach out for the hand that bears the light,
So my step is right,
Only in the dark."
Juwita Suwito - Only in the Dark
(Click to Download!)
"When you really have to, muster the courage. Take the road less taken and hold your head high whether it turns out for better or for worse. Chase your dreams, rediscover passion, for daring to dream is passion. And passion is love. And love heals all."
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
This vid is so magical,
I just feel like posting it everywhere =)
Hahaha, you guys can thank Rujin for sharing this =)
Hahaha, you guys can thank Rujin for sharing this =)
I swear,
my kindness will be the end of me. I finally gather the resolve to study all day today and I see a blinking MSN window.... Mark...? That cousin in Singapore? Wonder what he wants. Turns out he wants help for math...... And his teacher is coming to check in 30 mins. I was like, wtf x_x So, okay, fine, I decide to help. He sends me a document with the question.
The students of E18C decided to hold a barbeque for class gathering and appointed Fred as the organiser.
He decided to engage the services of YumYum, a food catering company to provide the food items for the barbeque.
One day, while attending an IG activity, Fred found out that 5 other IG members – Ash, Bob, Carl, Dan and Ed – had previously engaged the services of YumYum.
During their conversation, they discussed how much each of them had paid for the food items for their barbeques. Fred felt that he might have been charged excessively by YumYum.
Fred bought the following food items for the class barbeque (see Table A below):

Fred felt that a comparison of all their bills could be useful (see Table B below):

Investigate whether Fred has been charged excessively for the food items he bought from YumYum as compared to the other IG members.
And I ended up spending a whole friggin hour on it. Damn those Singaporean kids do some scary stuff for homework.
Try solve it! =) If you don't feel like it, then you could just download the answer here.
Gaze upon it and be awed. I guarantee you you pengsan. I know I did lol.
The students of E18C decided to hold a barbeque for class gathering and appointed Fred as the organiser.
He decided to engage the services of YumYum, a food catering company to provide the food items for the barbeque.
One day, while attending an IG activity, Fred found out that 5 other IG members – Ash, Bob, Carl, Dan and Ed – had previously engaged the services of YumYum.
During their conversation, they discussed how much each of them had paid for the food items for their barbeques. Fred felt that he might have been charged excessively by YumYum.
Fred bought the following food items for the class barbeque (see Table A below):
Fred felt that a comparison of all their bills could be useful (see Table B below):
Investigate whether Fred has been charged excessively for the food items he bought from YumYum as compared to the other IG members.
And I ended up spending a whole friggin hour on it. Damn those Singaporean kids do some scary stuff for homework.
Try solve it! =) If you don't feel like it, then you could just download the answer here.
Gaze upon it and be awed. I guarantee you you pengsan. I know I did lol.
how are we supposed to dance?"
"Haha, we just have to hold hands, look into each others' eyes, and turn round in circles until we get tired of it." - Toradora
This has to be the most epic one liner I've ever heard. Rofl.
"Haha, we just have to hold hands, look into each others' eyes, and turn round in circles until we get tired of it." - Toradora
This has to be the most epic one liner I've ever heard. Rofl.
Monday, May 11, 2009
A modern day miracle.
For those of you who don't believe, miracles do happen =)
Just live through each day, looking to the future with courage in thy heart, never shying away. Take that leap of faith. You'll feel it with every fiber of your being when the time is right.
A story of possibility, which evolved into inevitability. All because of one man's courage and the many who supported him. Truly, no man is an island =)
Cheers people. This book left me feeling all warm and fuzzy inside. And now I feel extremely guilty. wtf. I finished a 400 page book in a day when I'm supposed to be studying. Murder me T.T
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Hahaha, guess what?
I may be turning cynical.
Fate is cruel
The stars in the sky are really high. At times you just want to pluck one and keep it for yourself. But they're so far away... You see them, you hear them, but... they're so far away...
Haha, I swear these two songs are the cause of all my pain. The lyrics are so beautiful the skewer my heart with every beat. Haha, but they're in Japanese though. But I'll share them anyway ^^ Three cheers for love guys x) Happy Mother's Day =) As usual, click on the links above the vids to download the full songs!
Haha, sigh. Well now, raise the curtains, man the stage. People, no matter what, the show must go on! That's show business ;)
There is something in this world that nobody has ever seen before.
It's gentle and sweet.
Probably, if everyone could see it, they'd all fight over it.
That's exactly why nobody's ever seen it.
The world hid it so that no one could get their hands on it easily.
However, someday, someone will definitely find it.
That's the way it was meant to be.
-Toradora, Epilogue-
Ya know, sometimes I think fairytales like these are the greatest poison. They make me hope. They make me hope on love.
It's gentle and sweet.
Probably, if everyone could see it, they'd all fight over it.
That's exactly why nobody's ever seen it.
The world hid it so that no one could get their hands on it easily.
However, someday, someone will definitely find it.
That's the way it was meant to be.
-Toradora, Epilogue-
Ya know, sometimes I think fairytales like these are the greatest poison. They make me hope. They make me hope on love.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
I've been reading a book, and
I just loled so hard when I read this. Check it out x)
Background story: The story is set during World War 1 from the perspective of the Russians. An army deserter and a boy caught looting a dead German pilot's corpse get thrown together by a twist of fate and now they have to find a dozen eggs for the colonel who promised to spare their lives if they could. Now the question is, where do they find eggs in a city where people eat bread which main ingredient is sawdust? And so the search begins.
After many hardships, they finally do find a chicken. Now this is the funny part :)
An excerpt from City of Thieves, by David Benioff:
"The apartment door opened and Timofei, one of the surgeons I'd met the previous night, walked over to warm his hands by the stove. When he noticed Darling sitting in her nesting box, he crouched and inspected her, his hands on his knees.
"Where did this come from?"
"Kolya and Lev got him from a boy near the Narva Gate."
Timofei stood and grinned at us. He pulled two large onions from the pockets of his overcoat.
"Got these at the hospital. Wasn't planning on sharing but seems to me we've got the possibility of a beautiful soup tonight.
"Darling's not for the pot," said Kolya. "We need her for the eggs."
"The eggs?" Timofei looked at us, at Darling, back to us. He seemed to think we were joking.
"Everyone's quitting on Darling," Kolya continued, "but I think she's got it in her. Do you know anything about chickens? You think she can lay a dozen by Thursday?"
"What the hell are you talking about?"
The surgeon seemed more and more irritated. Kolya glared back at him, insulted by the man's tone.
"Don't you speak Russian? We're waiting for the eggs!"
For a moment, I thought the conversation would turn violent, which would have been a bad thing for the Red Army; we needed our surgeons and Kolya would have splattered the man with a single punch. But Timofei finally laughed, shaking his head, waiting for us to laugh with him.
"Laugh all you want," I told him. "You're not touching the chicken."
"It's not a chicken, you idiot. It's a rooster."
Kolya hesitated, not sure if this was a joke the surgeon was playing or a trick to get us to throw Darling into the soup. I leaned forward in my chair and peered at the bird. I don't know why I though peering would help. What was I looking or, little balls?
"You're saying she won't lay eggs?" asked Kolya, watching Timofei carefully.
The surgeon spoke slowly, as if her were conferring with morons.
"It's a he. And the odds aren't good."
I swear I rofled ok! If you didn't it's either because I'm half insane due to the looming threat of exams, or you just need to read the book to the the full effect of lols about this. It's books like these that make you feel grateful for the food on your table and for the luxury of the very computer you're viewing this with. Haha, anyways, back to reading. Non-study related it may be, but it's better than not reading.
Background story: The story is set during World War 1 from the perspective of the Russians. An army deserter and a boy caught looting a dead German pilot's corpse get thrown together by a twist of fate and now they have to find a dozen eggs for the colonel who promised to spare their lives if they could. Now the question is, where do they find eggs in a city where people eat bread which main ingredient is sawdust? And so the search begins.
After many hardships, they finally do find a chicken. Now this is the funny part :)
An excerpt from City of Thieves, by David Benioff:
"The apartment door opened and Timofei, one of the surgeons I'd met the previous night, walked over to warm his hands by the stove. When he noticed Darling sitting in her nesting box, he crouched and inspected her, his hands on his knees.
"Where did this come from?"
"Kolya and Lev got him from a boy near the Narva Gate."
Timofei stood and grinned at us. He pulled two large onions from the pockets of his overcoat.
"Got these at the hospital. Wasn't planning on sharing but seems to me we've got the possibility of a beautiful soup tonight.
"Darling's not for the pot," said Kolya. "We need her for the eggs."
"The eggs?" Timofei looked at us, at Darling, back to us. He seemed to think we were joking.
"Everyone's quitting on Darling," Kolya continued, "but I think she's got it in her. Do you know anything about chickens? You think she can lay a dozen by Thursday?"
"What the hell are you talking about?"
The surgeon seemed more and more irritated. Kolya glared back at him, insulted by the man's tone.
"Don't you speak Russian? We're waiting for the eggs!"
For a moment, I thought the conversation would turn violent, which would have been a bad thing for the Red Army; we needed our surgeons and Kolya would have splattered the man with a single punch. But Timofei finally laughed, shaking his head, waiting for us to laugh with him.
"Laugh all you want," I told him. "You're not touching the chicken."
"It's not a chicken, you idiot. It's a rooster."
Kolya hesitated, not sure if this was a joke the surgeon was playing or a trick to get us to throw Darling into the soup. I leaned forward in my chair and peered at the bird. I don't know why I though peering would help. What was I looking or, little balls?
"You're saying she won't lay eggs?" asked Kolya, watching Timofei carefully.
The surgeon spoke slowly, as if her were conferring with morons.
"It's a he. And the odds aren't good."
I swear I rofled ok! If you didn't it's either because I'm half insane due to the looming threat of exams, or you just need to read the book to the the full effect of lols about this. It's books like these that make you feel grateful for the food on your table and for the luxury of the very computer you're viewing this with. Haha, anyways, back to reading. Non-study related it may be, but it's better than not reading.
Friday, May 8, 2009
Thursday, May 7, 2009
has been a happy day of many occasions =) I'd like to say so much, but nothing so much I'd like to say as just a simple plain thank you for the awesome birthday celeb and for making my days at help the best days of my life and I truly feel blessed to have met you guys =)
Perhaps many a person has taken a blow to self-confidence today. Perhaps you feel your efforts are unrewarded. Perhaps you feel it's all not worth it after all. Perhaps the world is unjust after all.
Well, I for one, feel the world is fair. And that everyone is born equal. And that everyone has his or her own perfect cozy little niche somewhere out there. Not everybody may be good at studying. But I for one, say, so what? I know this sounds unconvincing and perhaps even impudent and cocky coming from me, but what the hell? I can understand things you can't but so what?
There are people who can walk on glass, there are people who can juggle fire, there are people who can swim the English channel, there are people who can grow the most beautiful flowers and there are people who can love with all their heart. And you're telling me that these people are no less great than old farts who can pore over books all day. Well I say bullocks! I sure as hell can't do those things. And they're all pretty damn amazing if you ask me.
I dream, I dream of a world where nobody would look down on people for what they do, for they love what they do and they do what they love. I pray, I pray that each and every one of you will find something and someone you truly love with all your heart someday and live a truly fulfilled life. And I wish, I wish you all the best of luck in the upcoming exams and that you do your best, and fortune will definitely smile upon you.
Perhaps many a person has taken a blow to self-confidence today. Perhaps you feel your efforts are unrewarded. Perhaps you feel it's all not worth it after all. Perhaps the world is unjust after all.
Well, I for one, feel the world is fair. And that everyone is born equal. And that everyone has his or her own perfect cozy little niche somewhere out there. Not everybody may be good at studying. But I for one, say, so what? I know this sounds unconvincing and perhaps even impudent and cocky coming from me, but what the hell? I can understand things you can't but so what?
There are people who can walk on glass, there are people who can juggle fire, there are people who can swim the English channel, there are people who can grow the most beautiful flowers and there are people who can love with all their heart. And you're telling me that these people are no less great than old farts who can pore over books all day. Well I say bullocks! I sure as hell can't do those things. And they're all pretty damn amazing if you ask me.
I dream, I dream of a world where nobody would look down on people for what they do, for they love what they do and they do what they love. I pray, I pray that each and every one of you will find something and someone you truly love with all your heart someday and live a truly fulfilled life. And I wish, I wish you all the best of luck in the upcoming exams and that you do your best, and fortune will definitely smile upon you.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
On American Idol,
Our dear friend Simon Cowell said, "Actually, I didn't quite like it. It was sort of like eating ice for lunch." after Kris' performance.
And I laughed out loud. I was like, omg, I can SO see Emerene doing that, and she'd love it, wth XD Guess that's another reason for you to love Kris eh? :P
Disclaimer: I think he's good, it's not his genre and he was SOOOOOOO overdoing it rotflwtfbbqzzorzxx XD
And I laughed out loud. I was like, omg, I can SO see Emerene doing that, and she'd love it, wth XD Guess that's another reason for you to love Kris eh? :P
Disclaimer: I think he's good, it's not his genre and he was SOOOOOOO overdoing it rotflwtfbbqzzorzxx XD
You know what?
It takes a lot to piss me off. A hella lot. And you know what? Someone manage to not only piss me off yesterday, that someone ROYALLY pissed me off. Well, aren't you happy now? You've earned an unreachable pedestal in my eternal wall of shame. Peace on you, friend. Btw, for the fun of being cryptic, I've used a certain homonym in a certain sentence.
Bleh, that was bad for karma. *spreads good thoughts to the rest of the human population* Spread good energy people! Malice only breeds more malice. Let's all work together to sever the chain of hatred =) *hopes that was enough to offset the immensely bad energy I was emitting just a moment ago* Cheers people. Spread the love =)
Bleh, that was bad for karma. *spreads good thoughts to the rest of the human population* Spread good energy people! Malice only breeds more malice. Let's all work together to sever the chain of hatred =) *hopes that was enough to offset the immensely bad energy I was emitting just a moment ago* Cheers people. Spread the love =)
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Every mock on earth besides C4 is over starting today. Let's not think about thursday first yeah? So I sat down and watched Desperate Housewives with my mom. I don't usually watch it but it was such an aww episode okay. It was the 100th episode where the handyman who changed everyone's lives was featured. Eli Scruggs :(

He spent his life helping people, touching their lives in ways you'd never thought possible for a mere handyman. And before he retired and was able to enjoy his well earned rest, he died of heart failure. It's rather funny how the best of people seem to suffer from the worst of untimely deaths. It's as if they were terrible sinners in their past lives and were reincarnated to solely do good and have their lives taken unfairly from them, if you believe in reincarnation. But yeah, the moral of the story is to appreciate what you have around you now, never taking it forgranted. But people never really miss the water until it's gone do they? So what do we do then? We dream, we dream of a utopia, a utopia where
"Don't wake me cause I'm dreaming, of angels on the moon, where everyone you know, never leaves too soon"
Thriving Ivory - Angels on the Moon (Click to Download)
[funky title edited because someone didn't like it =(]
Oh, and credits to angie for funky song!
Thriving Ivory - Angels on the Moon (Click to Download)
[funky title edited because someone didn't like it =(]
Oh, and credits to angie for funky song!
And all's well that ends well. That is, until you wake up. Cheers people =)
Oh gawd.
You know you've had too much chemistry when.....
You open your bag to check if you have all your books for the day and you see your C4 Maths book and you say "PCl4 Check." Epic facepalm ensues.
You open your bag to check if you have all your books for the day and you see your C4 Maths book and you say "PCl4 Check." Epic facepalm ensues.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Angie just enlisted my help to give her some of those oh-so-lol Mr. Lim quotes that we know so well and this scene kept replaying in my head.
"Studen ar studen, you want to shoot the thing ar, so far away, 27 km you know! How to shoot? *Ai Ling mutters something* Even you use the latest gun ar, very hi-tech one also the most you can shoot until 2km only."
"Sir sir sir! Ai Ling has something to say!"
"Har? Yes Ai Ling?"
"Mr. Lim, very easy only. Your gun is 26km long."
*epic Mr.Lim emoness ensues*
20 minutes later...
"I still thinking about the Ai Ling that one. Lose little bit never mind, but that one lose untilll... waaah. *clutches chest*"
Haha, if I recall correctly that was the day with the epic bio jokes as well. I don't recall exactly but I do remember we have to return Mr. Lim to his natural habitat. We get one mark for that because Ms. Foong said so. Lolwth! (yet again courtesy of Ai Ling XD)
Whether we like it or not, time flows on as time and tide waits for no man. But I know these are memories I'll hold dearly until my dying day and I would like to thank everybody who's made my one year at HELP, possibly the best year of my life. Thank you =)
"Studen ar studen, you want to shoot the thing ar, so far away, 27 km you know! How to shoot? *Ai Ling mutters something* Even you use the latest gun ar, very hi-tech one also the most you can shoot until 2km only."
"Sir sir sir! Ai Ling has something to say!"
"Har? Yes Ai Ling?"
"Mr. Lim, very easy only. Your gun is 26km long."
*epic Mr.Lim emoness ensues*
20 minutes later...
"I still thinking about the Ai Ling that one. Lose little bit never mind, but that one lose untilll... waaah. *clutches chest*"
Haha, if I recall correctly that was the day with the epic bio jokes as well. I don't recall exactly but I do remember we have to return Mr. Lim to his natural habitat. We get one mark for that because Ms. Foong said so. Lolwth! (yet again courtesy of Ai Ling XD)
Whether we like it or not, time flows on as time and tide waits for no man. But I know these are memories I'll hold dearly until my dying day and I would like to thank everybody who's made my one year at HELP, possibly the best year of my life. Thank you =)
A weekend full of...
Chemistry notes, chemistry notes... and more chemistry notes... And when your playlist is on shuffle it occasionally strikes gold. Heard something I haven't heard in a long long time and I really love this, and hence, I decided to upload it, as usual =) A beautiful song about love transcending time:
Thursday, April 30, 2009
What do you call it when...
A really amazing coincidence happens. When so many unusually shaped puzzle pieces harmoniously fix itself into a picture so clear, so pristine that you can say nothing but "It was meant to be."
Here goes the story. So, Ken and I went for foosball after class today to relieve some of the stress accumulated over the week. You have no idea how suffocating it's been for everyone in A52(A) this week. Today's the first day in a week that we actually have some breathing space.
Anyway, continuing on, I drive home and reach home safely. But somehow, everything just slips my mind and I don't put my car into "Park", I don't pull my handbrake. It's happened once before. And I've been so careful with it ever since. And it happened again today. This is Exhibit A.
Exhibit B: I reached home at 5:10PM. I usually reach home by 4:30PM latest. If you're feeling confused, just read on.
Exhibit C: My mom reached home 10 minutes after me. Now, I hear the gate opening, and I turn back. And my car isn't where it's supposed to be. It's sliding down my driveway. I was shocked, my mom was shocked. I tried my best to get to my car, but I couldn't even get the front door open. Now the thing is, my mom usually doesn't even come home until 7:30PM every single day.
In the end my car hit hers, and yeah. Nobody was hurt though. Thank goodness.
Now the thing is, I happened to come back late, which happens once in a blue moon. My mom happened to come back early, which happens once in TWO blue moons. And I forget to pull my handbrake... which....... doesn't happen very often, especially not at home. And she happened to reach home and open the gate at the EXACT moment my car began to gain momentum. Haha, I don't know what to call this. What say you?
Here goes the story. So, Ken and I went for foosball after class today to relieve some of the stress accumulated over the week. You have no idea how suffocating it's been for everyone in A52(A) this week. Today's the first day in a week that we actually have some breathing space.
Anyway, continuing on, I drive home and reach home safely. But somehow, everything just slips my mind and I don't put my car into "Park", I don't pull my handbrake. It's happened once before. And I've been so careful with it ever since. And it happened again today. This is Exhibit A.
Exhibit B: I reached home at 5:10PM. I usually reach home by 4:30PM latest. If you're feeling confused, just read on.
Exhibit C: My mom reached home 10 minutes after me. Now, I hear the gate opening, and I turn back. And my car isn't where it's supposed to be. It's sliding down my driveway. I was shocked, my mom was shocked. I tried my best to get to my car, but I couldn't even get the front door open. Now the thing is, my mom usually doesn't even come home until 7:30PM every single day.
In the end my car hit hers, and yeah. Nobody was hurt though. Thank goodness.
Now the thing is, I happened to come back late, which happens once in a blue moon. My mom happened to come back early, which happens once in TWO blue moons. And I forget to pull my handbrake... which....... doesn't happen very often, especially not at home. And she happened to reach home and open the gate at the EXACT moment my car began to gain momentum. Haha, I don't know what to call this. What say you?
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Ever thought Final Destination was scary?
Wait till you see 6106/03. You'll hide under your chair and not dare to sleep for days. I personally guarantee this. (Pictures coming soon)
Monday, April 27, 2009
All work and no play....
Makes Tim a dull boy. Tim could use a little more work and less play in his equation though. Or at least, less procrastination. Don't we all? Lol. Then again, tell me it's wrong to rest the weary soul after a grueling weekend of endless mugging and three exam papers in the space of six hours.
Sigh, tired from a long day of studying? Love hard J-rock? This song totally begs you to drown yourself in it.
And watch the pretty animation that goes with it. Kudos to the production studio. It's the best animated accompaniment to a song I've ever seen.
And the night stretches on.
Tim~Stayin Alive.
Sigh, tired from a long day of studying? Love hard J-rock? This song totally begs you to drown yourself in it.
Disclaimer: Not for the faint-hearted.
And watch the pretty animation that goes with it. Kudos to the production studio. It's the best animated accompaniment to a song I've ever seen.
And the night stretches on.
Tim~Stayin Alive.
Friday, April 24, 2009
I lie on the sands at night, just thinking. Just thinking. Timeless moments fill my heart like crystals, decorating and illuminating every dark corner, shimmering like stars in the night sky. Some melt into the depths of my heart. Others remain, but for how long?
I arise and begin a leisurely walk along the golden sands and admire the seashells strewn on the beach. Not too little, not too many, but they decorate the beach just nicely like those glow-in-the-dark stars stuck on your ceiling at night. There are however, things we never notice. Things that never cry out to be seen. Or things that are seen all to often, that they become a part of the scenery. Things that are never appreciated. Things like the little grains of salt which blend in with the sand. We never notice them, but without them the beach would never glitter so brilliantly under the blazing sun.
I come to rest once again and place my feet where the tide meets the shore. Waves of water, cold to the touch but soothing to the soul engulf my feet at regular intervals. Totally at peace, my head rests against the sandy shore, and I thank, I just thank God for the little ways he touches our lives and the little miracles he grants us, whether we see them or not. And I pray, I just pray to Mr. Moon, not to move from where he is, for when he leaves, he ushers out the tide, and the tide washes away the sand on the shore, the sands which I love so dearly. Impossible as I knew it was, I prayed anyway in desperation to bottle the rising surge of loneliness building up within.

Time passes and I stare, I just stare at the night sky and drowsiness assails my eyes. Resigned, I allow it to take me away, away to that abyss which I know so well. But I ask of it only one thing, that it may grant me the courage to face the dawn of the new day, for the sands I see tomorrow are not the sands of yesterday, and the sky tomorrow, is not the sky of yesterday. And so, I sleep, and I pray. I sleep, and I pray, and I say "Without a doubt, today was the best day of my life."
I arise and begin a leisurely walk along the golden sands and admire the seashells strewn on the beach. Not too little, not too many, but they decorate the beach just nicely like those glow-in-the-dark stars stuck on your ceiling at night. There are however, things we never notice. Things that never cry out to be seen. Or things that are seen all to often, that they become a part of the scenery. Things that are never appreciated. Things like the little grains of salt which blend in with the sand. We never notice them, but without them the beach would never glitter so brilliantly under the blazing sun.
I come to rest once again and place my feet where the tide meets the shore. Waves of water, cold to the touch but soothing to the soul engulf my feet at regular intervals. Totally at peace, my head rests against the sandy shore, and I thank, I just thank God for the little ways he touches our lives and the little miracles he grants us, whether we see them or not. And I pray, I just pray to Mr. Moon, not to move from where he is, for when he leaves, he ushers out the tide, and the tide washes away the sand on the shore, the sands which I love so dearly. Impossible as I knew it was, I prayed anyway in desperation to bottle the rising surge of loneliness building up within.
Time passes and I stare, I just stare at the night sky and drowsiness assails my eyes. Resigned, I allow it to take me away, away to that abyss which I know so well. But I ask of it only one thing, that it may grant me the courage to face the dawn of the new day, for the sands I see tomorrow are not the sands of yesterday, and the sky tomorrow, is not the sky of yesterday. And so, I sleep, and I pray. I sleep, and I pray, and I say "Without a doubt, today was the best day of my life."
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Great songs that
All mankind would love and should have =) Really easy on the ears, great lyrics, great melody. What more could you ask of a song? ;) And once again I'd like to remind people, you can click on the links to download =)
You guys can thank Angie if you loved the songs above =)
Something Corporate - Hurricane (Mesmerising bridge, listen and be awed)
The Hush Sound - The Artist (Lyrics which probe the soul)
All Time Low - Remembering Sunday (Emo song! Who doesn't love emo songs? =) )
The Hush Sound - The Artist (Lyrics which probe the soul)
All Time Low - Remembering Sunday (Emo song! Who doesn't love emo songs? =) )
You guys can thank Angie if you loved the songs above =)
Sunday, April 19, 2009
I obviously am....
The best person you know at wasting time doing the one, the only, and the most infamous activity of procrastination. SLEEPING. I must've been asleep for at least 36 hours of the 72 hours this weekend. Someone shoot me in the head. Please.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Unlimited Sky!!
Magnificent lyrics + Magnificent guitar + Magnificent vocals = Masterpiece of art =
Tommy Heavenly6 - Unlimited Sky(Click Above To Download)
Trampling over the shreds of broken dreams,
A Grim Reaper stopped by on a whim,
Coldly looking at the me gone astray,
As if to instigate my foolish sins,
And I cast away his extended hands.
The devastating sadness
Fills my chest like mist
And cruelly repeats itself over and over again
I even grew to hate those nostalgic days which would never return,
What can we possibly do
While not even knowing
The meaning of printed glory.
The senses which I thought I had thrown away
Resurrect in calm serenity
I hid my accelerating irritation
Convincing myself that things like feelings, aren't important to me
But my heart couldn't keep up with me.
In the scenario of rebellion
A fallen angel descended upon me,
Why do you stand outside the light?
I realized
If I hadn't been born as me
I might have been able to laugh
Shrouded in unconditional love
Without ever knowing loneliness
I gazed at the distant sky
Which projected nostalgia
And no matter how I wished
I'd never be able to touch it.
I had lost to the darkness in me.
Everyone who can fight is still fighting
while carrying scars that will never fade
Devastating sadness
Fills my chest like mist
And cruelly repeats itself over and over again
The fleeting light which was stolen from me
Chains together the proof I had ever lived
Whatever lies ahead
I'll accept and live on
Until the final second of my life.
A Grim Reaper stopped by on a whim,
Coldly looking at the me gone astray,
As if to instigate my foolish sins,
And I cast away his extended hands.
The devastating sadness
Fills my chest like mist
And cruelly repeats itself over and over again
I even grew to hate those nostalgic days which would never return,
What can we possibly do
While not even knowing
The meaning of printed glory.
The senses which I thought I had thrown away
Resurrect in calm serenity
I hid my accelerating irritation
Convincing myself that things like feelings, aren't important to me
But my heart couldn't keep up with me.
In the scenario of rebellion
A fallen angel descended upon me,
Why do you stand outside the light?
I realized
If I hadn't been born as me
I might have been able to laugh
Shrouded in unconditional love
Without ever knowing loneliness
I gazed at the distant sky
Which projected nostalgia
And no matter how I wished
I'd never be able to touch it.
I had lost to the darkness in me.
Everyone who can fight is still fighting
while carrying scars that will never fade
Devastating sadness
Fills my chest like mist
And cruelly repeats itself over and over again
The fleeting light which was stolen from me
Chains together the proof I had ever lived
Whatever lies ahead
I'll accept and live on
Until the final second of my life.
I so love Tommy Heavenly6 =) Here's another one from her if you're interested! (You'd better be =K) Tommy Heavenly6 - GIMME ALL OF YOUR LOVE!! I swear I'd die a happy man if I could see her perform live at least once. Haha x)
Thursday, April 16, 2009
choose the weirdest times to walk into my life. And you, bring with you, the weirdest waves of emotion which rearrange the grains of sand on the beach of my soul ever so significantly each time. You. What are you...?"
To be continued at a later date =)
To be continued at a later date =)
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
I have predictions!! Possibly a leak from our dear from **eXcel? Anyways, I decided to share! =) I might get prosecuted for this but... Only the best for my friends, so I'll take that risk! =D
Question 2:
Part A
1. Transfer 25cm^3 of solution A and 25cm^3 solution B into a 250ml beaker.
2. Add 2cm^3 of concentrated sulphuric acid to the mixture.
3. Warm the the beaker over a Bunsen flame for about 2 minutes.
4. Record your observations and deduce the identity of Solution A and B and the product formed, Compound C.
(Keep this solution for Part B)
Part B
1. Pipette 25cm^3 of Solution C into a conical flask.
2. Add 4 drops of phenolphthalein into the conical flask.
3. Titrate Solution C with 0.100 mol dm^-3 NaOH.
(Record titre values etcetc)
4. Add the solution containing Compound C into the conical flask and leave on standing for 10 minutes.
1. Identify Solutions A and B.
(Alcohol and Carboxylic acid. I can answer the questions omg!!!)
2. The contents of the conical flask are shown in the picture above. Name the compounds formed.
(Ethyl methanoate and Potassium methanoate!!)
3. The contents of the conical flask are very commonly available at pharmacies. Deduce its common name from their IUPAC standard names.
Answer <-- Click here for method to derive answer.
Have a nice day people!!! =) Study hard x)
Edit: Since some people have trouble telling that this evidently isn't the question for the exam, I'll type it out clear here x_x it isn't x_x It's a birthday wish for dear esther x_x It's either I'm really good or you people are a little too nervous about the coming exams lol.
Question 2:
Part A
1. Transfer 25cm^3 of solution A and 25cm^3 solution B into a 250ml beaker.
2. Add 2cm^3 of concentrated sulphuric acid to the mixture.
3. Warm the the beaker over a Bunsen flame for about 2 minutes.
4. Record your observations and deduce the identity of Solution A and B and the product formed, Compound C.
(Keep this solution for Part B)
Part B
1. Pipette 25cm^3 of Solution C into a conical flask.
2. Add 4 drops of phenolphthalein into the conical flask.
3. Titrate Solution C with 0.100 mol dm^-3 NaOH.
(Record titre values etcetc)
4. Add the solution containing Compound C into the conical flask and leave on standing for 10 minutes.
1. Identify Solutions A and B.
(Alcohol and Carboxylic acid. I can answer the questions omg!!!)
2. The contents of the conical flask are shown in the picture above. Name the compounds formed.
(Ethyl methanoate and Potassium methanoate!!)
3. The contents of the conical flask are very commonly available at pharmacies. Deduce its common name from their IUPAC standard names.
Answer <-- Click here for method to derive answer.
Have a nice day people!!! =) Study hard x)
Edit: Since some people have trouble telling that this evidently isn't the question for the exam, I'll type it out clear here x_x it isn't x_x It's a birthday wish for dear esther x_x It's either I'm really good or you people are a little too nervous about the coming exams lol.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
My Rollercoaster
You know, lions throw their cubs off cliffs, literally. Why, why do you think they do that? Is it because they don't love him anymore? Or is it because they just want to get rid of him? Or is it because they're simply abandoning him because he was a big ol' mistake from the start.

I meant to find a pic of the aforementioned event, but I could only find the cliff, so I'd have you imagine the lions yourselves x)
I meant to find a pic of the aforementioned event, but I could only find the cliff, so I'd have you imagine the lions yourselves x)
Well, no. It's so that they come back stronger, and learn of the hardships of life first hand, for experience is the best teacher.
It's been a pretty huge emotional rollercoaster for me this weekend x) And the whole time I was waiting, just waiting for salvation, sinking back into the shadow of a man I once was. But salvation comes not to those who do not seek it. I quote: "Ask and thy shalt receive". And thus, ask I did.
I guess, God too, like the lion, throws each and every one of His children off a cliff at one stage of his or her life or another. He doesn't do it to break you, but does it to offer you an opportunity to rediscover yourself, to take a good hard look at the person in the mirror, to see if you really like the person that's staring back at you, and accept that person whether you like it or not, for it is none other than you, the one and only you. He asks you not to dwell in the past, but to live in the present and look to the future, but fear not the abyss of the unknown you see with every step you take, for where there is darkness, there is light. So, when in doubt, listen to your heart, listen to it true, and take it. Take that leap of faith.
Haha, somehow every one of my old friends that sees me now keeps telling me one thing: that I seem like a much happier person that I was back in the old days. Personally I don't see this change myself, but yeah, thanks =) We live, and we grow for better for worse and I guess I can be glad that I've been growing for the better ^^
Today is Easter Sunday. And today is also mah dear friend Shawn3h's birthday. SO,
It's been a pretty huge emotional rollercoaster for me this weekend x) And the whole time I was waiting, just waiting for salvation, sinking back into the shadow of a man I once was. But salvation comes not to those who do not seek it. I quote: "Ask and thy shalt receive". And thus, ask I did.
I guess, God too, like the lion, throws each and every one of His children off a cliff at one stage of his or her life or another. He doesn't do it to break you, but does it to offer you an opportunity to rediscover yourself, to take a good hard look at the person in the mirror, to see if you really like the person that's staring back at you, and accept that person whether you like it or not, for it is none other than you, the one and only you. He asks you not to dwell in the past, but to live in the present and look to the future, but fear not the abyss of the unknown you see with every step you take, for where there is darkness, there is light. So, when in doubt, listen to your heart, listen to it true, and take it. Take that leap of faith.
Haha, somehow every one of my old friends that sees me now keeps telling me one thing: that I seem like a much happier person that I was back in the old days. Personally I don't see this change myself, but yeah, thanks =) We live, and we grow for better for worse and I guess I can be glad that I've been growing for the better ^^
Today is Easter Sunday. And today is also mah dear friend Shawn3h's birthday. SO,
My goddess for today.
My goddess for today.
ROCK ON SHAWNEH! =) And live on people, being at peace with yourself no matter what happens today or may happen tomorrow. As I have been given new hope today I hope anyone today who is dull and gray today may find the hope that resides within his or herself today as well.
Oh boy that was a dramatic post, but drama king I am, live with it =)
I end this post with a really cool song from Angie's cool playlist =)
Kimya Dawson - My Rollercoaster <-- Click on it! You know you want to =)
Oh boy that was a dramatic post, but drama king I am, live with it =)
I end this post with a really cool song from Angie's cool playlist =)
Kimya Dawson - My Rollercoaster <-- Click on it! You know you want to =)
Friday, April 10, 2009
When life gives you lemons,
Make lemonade Apple Juice (according to angie)! But golly gee, they forgot to give me sugar cubes. *But apple juice requires no sugar! apple juice FTW! =D*
Thursday, April 9, 2009
The Rusted Lock
"There are days when the chords of melancholy resonate with the wavelength of your soul. It's days like these that the skies seem gray. It's days like these that your feet feel like they're chained to the ground. It's days like these you gaze upon the night sky and wish... Just wish... that one day you'd trip over that silver key which'd open the rusted lock, and chained you will be no more."
Haha, lost my train of thought. I probably should write down ideas I get before they vapourise. My ideas are soo volatile. Argh. Sigh, you know you've had a great day when your finger has had a taste of concentrated sulphuric acid (specifically: 5 mol dm^-3). It burns x_x Don't know if it's the lack of sleep or hypoglycemia or chronic fatigue syndrome or.... I just felt so out of it today lol. Ahwells, I guess we all have our off days. Anywayssssss,
Haha, lost my train of thought. I probably should write down ideas I get before they vapourise. My ideas are soo volatile. Argh. Sigh, you know you've had a great day when your finger has had a taste of concentrated sulphuric acid (specifically: 5 mol dm^-3). It burns x_x Don't know if it's the lack of sleep or hypoglycemia or chronic fatigue syndrome or.... I just felt so out of it today lol. Ahwells, I guess we all have our off days. Anywayssssss,
I'd have loved to get you a baby walrus, but time constraints said otherwise =( Haha, have a blessed birthday Kalkx! ^^
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
-£űńåřZĕřō- [Say It Again ] says (12:58 AM):
not :D
Cipher [Mode: Duel with the Papers] says (12:59 AM):
of course you don't, scum.... you INFLICT IT ON ME T_T
Awww, I really missed [bullying(and getting bullied by)] him :P XD Okaeri!! ^^
not :D
Cipher [Mode: Duel with the Papers] says (12:59 AM):
of course you don't, scum.... you INFLICT IT ON ME T_T
Awww, I really missed [bullying(and getting bullied by)] him :P XD Okaeri!! ^^
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Tommy Heavenly6 - Pray!!
Everyone repeat after me yeah? THIS IS A W1CK3D SONG!!!
*reposts download link* Tommy Heavenly6 - Pray <--- This is a link. Click! Apparently *koffkoff*somepeopledon'tevennoticeit'salink X____X T____T So, anyways, lemme exercise my Japanese muscle, I present you,
*reposts download link* Tommy Heavenly6 - Pray <--- This is a link. Click! Apparently *koffkoff*somepeopledon'tevennoticeit'salink X____X T____T So, anyways, lemme exercise my Japanese muscle, I present you,
Let's go out! Open my mind.
let's go! Sweet dream other side
Right now I dart out of my cage
A rusted key and beat that won't stop pulsing
And I realized I could go back no more
The days, that I lost (Hey baby why?)
Clumsily, I try to, string together(I want to cry...)
In order not to lose to the coward in me
I don't run from my fate, "I'm not alone!"
I'll be beside you, no matter how
sad, or pained your dream I just won't care!
I wanna touch your tears... baby
I pray... "Believe!"
Sever the darkness in your cold memories!
At a spring to rest your injured wings
You just didn't know how to jump in
At a boring place, arise irritation and anxiety
Today we are still troubled over it but,
The dark sky, we look up at (Baby for you)
We'll progress, raise your head (I'm here for you)
Pack your relentless thoughs into a bag
Exorcise the darkness within your advancing heart
If the sound of the incessant rain
Makes you sad then,
I will be the shield of your gentle spirit
Never stop believing, always
I pray... Those eyes
will always reflect a little miracle for me
ah… ah… ah… ah…
(Hey baby why?… I want to cry… Hey baby why?
Hey baby why?… I want to cry…
I'm here for you… yeah…! believe yourself)
I'll be beside you, right there with you
no matter how sad a dream you're living!
I wanna live all my time with you...
I pray..."Please answer me!"
If you can allow me
I wanna touch your tears... baby
I pray... "Believe!"
Sever the darkness in your cold memories!
I loved this song before purely for the melody and vocals but now after taking a good hard look at the lyrics, can you say EPIC?! I can =) Hahahahaha I'msuchafanboy. Leave me alone XD
Anyways, if you loved this, you'd want to download this =)
Tommy Heavenly6 - Unlimited Sky
Tommy Heavenly6 - Unlimited Sky
Oh, and btw my songs have received Angie's seal of approval shaped like a walrus. Yay! x)
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Oh lol, just lol.
-£űńåřZĕřō- [Say It Again ] says (8:51 AM):
lulzzor T.T
pro T.T
tim nid go cheng meng
if not kena punch from dad
anyone can do it
cya laterzzor T.T
[H]uR-[K] - g[O]t bla[M]ed for sleepin[G]! =X says (8:51 AM):
bb =X
Mr Cheng and Mrs Beng. lolll xD Where else do I get lame replies like this except from Hur Kuan? Maybe Ai Ling. Lol xD
lulzzor T.T
pro T.T
tim nid go cheng meng
if not kena punch from dad
anyone can do it
cya laterzzor T.T
[H]uR-[K] - g[O]t bla[M]ed for sleepin[G]! =X says (8:51 AM):
bb =X
Mr Cheng and Mrs Beng. lolll xD Where else do I get lame replies like this except from Hur Kuan? Maybe Ai Ling. Lol xD
Tommy Heavenly6!!
In 2001, Tomoko launched her solo career under the name of Tommy february6, a character named from a combination of her nickname and birthdate. Vastly different from the J-Rock sound of the brilliant green, Tommy february6's persona and sound are inspired by and derived from British and American 1980s synth-heavy pop. Her eponymous debut album was released on the day of her 27th birthday. Read more at
A marriage between Eastern and Western Rock!!! No wonder I love their sound so much =) I've said it two posts ago but I'm gonna say it again.
A marriage between Eastern and Western Rock!!! No wonder I love their sound so much =) I've said it two posts ago but I'm gonna say it again.
It is vexing...
When you try and try but yet do not emerge with an answer. More so if the problem cannot be defined, cannot be fixed, cannot be remedied when its roots lie in something incomprehensible, something predetermined. True, it is vexing. But deep deep down, it gets worse when you know you're averting your eyes from the real problem that lies within. Yet, to that, you can neither find solution nor reason either.
It's songs like these...
Tommy Heavenly6 - Pray <---- Download download!!
Tommy Heavenly6 - Unlimited Sky <---- Download download download!!!
Will translate the lyrics at a later date =) Will also upload some of the ones I like best from Angie's playlist some other time. Spread the enlightenment =) xD And now, to work on my Moral group project. Ugh, it's pretty annoying when your group leader forces you to work on short deadlines. Short translated: ONE FRICKIN DAY. meh.
Tommy Heavenly6 - Pray <---- Download download!!
Tommy Heavenly6 - Unlimited Sky <---- Download download download!!!
Will translate the lyrics at a later date =) Will also upload some of the ones I like best from Angie's playlist some other time. Spread the enlightenment =) xD And now, to work on my Moral group project. Ugh, it's pretty annoying when your group leader forces you to work on short deadlines. Short translated: ONE FRICKIN DAY. meh.
Oh, and I <3 TOMMY HEAVENLY6 =)
Friday, April 3, 2009
I swear...
If you ever saw me in my car alone, you'd wish you never knew me x) For there's no better place to be yourself when you're all alone! It's really cool especially when you have great rock on CDs. Why? Because every car comes equipped with a in built drum set! Ever notice? It's the circular one which you spin round and round. Try not to drum too hard though. The car in front might shoot you an annoyed glare :P You also have a cool guitar! It's in every car! It's made by THE CREATOR, pretty standard issue, composed of 78.08% nitrogen, 20.95% oxygen, 0.93% argon, 0.038% carbon dioxide, and trace amounts of other gases =) See where I'm coming from? Yeah, so pop in that CD and, tune your base up and turn that volume way up high and shout YEEEHAAA!! x)
I don't actually do this okay. I swear I don't. *koffkoffseriously* Haha, life rocks when you're alone in your car ^^
On another note, today was another day of enlightenment. Just another page in the Book of Tim. You realize things you never thought possible in your everyday life. Today, I realized that there are probably some things you shouldn't play with. Like fire. And today I played with fire. I should've known that there're things that you absolutely can't bring yourself to say unless you mean it. Or maybe it's just a me thing. It was a bad joke Eme, I'm really sorry for that >< I guess it's just me hoping and wishing that I'll be able to use those three words honestly one day, no strings attached. For I have never looked one in the eye said them, not ever, family excluded.
Another of the things today reminded me of is, faith. Faith is a wonderful thing. Faith can do many things. Faith can make one leap into a ravine. Faith can make one disembowel himself. Faith can make one blow himself up in a crowded street with a huge bomb. Horrible things, yes. But is it faith? Yes. But forget not, that faith can make you take a leap of faith unto uncharted waters. Faith can be your warmth through the darkest of times. Faith can make you truly believe, for faith comes not from the head, but from the heart.
Faith, I had faith presented before me today. Faith, if you equate religion with faith, I probably am one of my own faith, and no other's. Faith, I was presented an opportunity to shatter faith today, but shatter I will not, for I am a believer of faith. Only when faith destroys you shall I destroy faith, for it is as my faith commands me to.
Faith, a powerful force indeed. But there is none greater than love. A feeling of inner peace achieved when being true to one's heart. A driving force which pushes you forward like none other which surges up from deep within your soul. A feeling which becomes your strength in the deepest of pits. A feeling which allows you to truly reach out, connect with, and relate to the other six billion kindred souls on Earth. And the feeling that tells you, "Yes, you are The One." Love, defined.
You know what? I've somehow lost my train of thought and I hate being incoherent xD So yeah, post, end x) If you want more food for thought I recommend you read Desiderata =) It'll make you a happier person =) Anyways,
Cheers people,
P.S. Don't question the longass posts which appear out of the blue from time to time. Read the title: Tim's Little WHIMS =)
I don't actually do this okay. I swear I don't. *koffkoffseriously* Haha, life rocks when you're alone in your car ^^
On another note, today was another day of enlightenment. Just another page in the Book of Tim. You realize things you never thought possible in your everyday life. Today, I realized that there are probably some things you shouldn't play with. Like fire. And today I played with fire. I should've known that there're things that you absolutely can't bring yourself to say unless you mean it. Or maybe it's just a me thing. It was a bad joke Eme, I'm really sorry for that >< I guess it's just me hoping and wishing that I'll be able to use those three words honestly one day, no strings attached. For I have never looked one in the eye said them, not ever, family excluded.
Another of the things today reminded me of is, faith. Faith is a wonderful thing. Faith can do many things. Faith can make one leap into a ravine. Faith can make one disembowel himself. Faith can make one blow himself up in a crowded street with a huge bomb. Horrible things, yes. But is it faith? Yes. But forget not, that faith can make you take a leap of faith unto uncharted waters. Faith can be your warmth through the darkest of times. Faith can make you truly believe, for faith comes not from the head, but from the heart.
Faith, I had faith presented before me today. Faith, if you equate religion with faith, I probably am one of my own faith, and no other's. Faith, I was presented an opportunity to shatter faith today, but shatter I will not, for I am a believer of faith. Only when faith destroys you shall I destroy faith, for it is as my faith commands me to.
Faith, a powerful force indeed. But there is none greater than love. A feeling of inner peace achieved when being true to one's heart. A driving force which pushes you forward like none other which surges up from deep within your soul. A feeling which becomes your strength in the deepest of pits. A feeling which allows you to truly reach out, connect with, and relate to the other six billion kindred souls on Earth. And the feeling that tells you, "Yes, you are The One." Love, defined.
You know what? I've somehow lost my train of thought and I hate being incoherent xD So yeah, post, end x) If you want more food for thought I recommend you read Desiderata =) It'll make you a happier person =) Anyways,
Cheers people,
P.S. Don't question the longass posts which appear out of the blue from time to time. Read the title: Tim's Little WHIMS =)
Now I know.
I used to think life was just a load of BS.
I used to think I've seen it all.
I used to think it'd be no big deal if I disappeared tomorrow, not to me, not to nobody.
I used to think life was overrated.
I used to think life hated me.
I used to think I could live alone.
But now I know,
That there's always more than meets the eye.
And now I know,
There's always something new to be seen in the same sights of everyday.
And now I know,
That living in the moment is a feeling of bliss like no other,
And now I know,
We have six senses, but we're usually closed to the sixth, the heart.
And now I know,
If you continue to tread the broken road, you'll pick up many shiny pebbles along the way.
There're people that,
Make you smile from the heart.
There're people that,
You'd trust with your life.
There're people that,
Make the sun shine through when skies are grey.
There're people that,
Paint your grayscale world technicolour.
And it's these people that,
Make your life worth living.
Let me tell you a story.
Your average Joe was driving along a freeway one day. He abides by the speed limit, for he is a simple, ordinary man. People zoom by in the fast lane, twice the speed or more than that of his. Speed demons, we call them. Demons they may be, engines howling, tires screeching as they zip past him, but they do not affect him, for the broken line on the asphalt is infinitely wider than it seems.
He lives an honest living, working as a salaryman, earning a meager wage. But he was happy with his life. After all, what was that not to be satisfied about? He had food to satiate his hunger. A home, he has, and returns to every day. A studio apartment, with four whitewashed walls, a meer 800 square feet, 800 square feet which encompassed his life. A nineteen inch TV, nothing fancy. Second-hand and ten years old it may be. But it serves its function. And he would never ask for more. A four poster bed, neatly made and it beckons him, beckons him to rest his weary head on a soft down pillow, beckons him to allow it to wash away his conciousness, beckons him to face the sight of warm orange, piercing into the calm, deep blue sky, which resists not, for none can escape the flow of time. And to its beckoning, he answers.
As he lies, he gazes at the night sky through the little window he always looks through. What he sees, is a beautiful sky, a deep indigo blanketed by grey clouds, lit up by the Moon, graciously shining down upon the Earth, which too, like you, bask in the moonlight, weary from the intense, unforgiving gaze of the day. But most of all, you notice that, today's sky, is not the same as yesterday's. He sees many stars. He loves looking at the sky, but most of all he loves the stars. "They're so pretty!" He thinks. They twinkle and shimmer. Some in harmony, some in discord. Some in phase, some not. Some fainter than others, some brighter than others. Sometimes he thinks, if they even realize he's here, gazing lovingly upon them from afar.
For he loves the sky so, and watches it every night, he notices how it changes. Some nights he sees no stars, for the lights of the city brighten the sky so, and their faint twinkling is masked by the bustling city underneath. But in loss, there is gain. He then gazes upon the brightly lit buildings below. Lights they may be, but under each and every one of those lights is a human life. And those lights flicker on and off ever so often. But most nights, the city is at peace, as the city sleeps as it rightfully should when the Sun slips ever so meekly down the horizon.
He names the stars he sees, for none of them are quite like another. The little one in the North-East he named Chris, and the cheeky one in the South, Jude was his name, A bold one, in the West, one that always seemed to have many others following him. That, he named Julius. A star, larger than the others, but always seemed a little lonely, Goliath, he called him, would be lurking in the East. And a restless one, flickering ever so often, affectionately called Peter, in the middle of them all. But he sees them one day, but maybe not another. Maybe one of them decided to hide behind a little grey cloud for the night. Maybe another just decided not to shine today. Maybe another went to visit his grandma at another end of the universe. And maybe another just had a fight with the others and escaped to join the day on the other side of Earth, for day and night never mingle, never overlap. But he'll come back some day.
These stars, they move around ever so often, so random, so spontaneous, all in the same night sky, but yet he wondered, do they say hi when they pass by each other? Or would they just be too absorbed in their own business. He wondered, whether Jace had met Julie, because he knew they'd be such a perfect match for each other. He marveled, at Charlotte and Sherene, always at polar opposites of the sky but he knew they were the best of friends. He smiles at the stars that twinkle, for stars twinkle when they smile, and so, he smiles back.
For many years he watches the night sky, but yet, he knows nothing of it, for one day it is what it is today, but becomes yesterday next week, and becomes something totally unknown next year. He loves the night sky so, and is afraid he might forget what it looks like today. So he takes out his sketchbook, and etches it onto the page, ever so dilligently. It doesn't look exactly like what he sees, but he cares not, for there is beauty in imperfection. Happy with his masterpiece, he allows himself to drift away, knowing he'd always be able to see every face of the night sky which he loved so much any time he wanted, now that he had it in his beloved sketchbook. Maybe at a later date he might be disappointed. For as time takes its toll, the pages yellow. Friction makes its mark, smearing the pencil marks, distorting the beautiful view he adored so. At a later date he would lament, but he would remember, he had a kindred spirit. He would then meet up a good friend, now old and grey, sketchbook in hand, ruffled at the edges, and yellow too, from aging. And together, they would piece together, the night skies they had fell in love with so long ago over, and continue sketching on those same pages. Yellow as they may be, sktech on those pages they will, till they can take no more, and crumble to dust.
Haha, okay. I'm done. I just sat down at my com feeling a sudden urge to write, poured everything out, and viola, the end product of two hours, here. It's probably very incoherent. My thoughts were rushing all over the place. I think it's the sugar rush. Dessert party on an empty is not a good idea XD So sorry there was so much extra Eme, we all wanted to eat more, we really did, but, now I know, there's only so much dessert you can eat XD And also, endorphins are good for you! =) And nothing releases a good bunch of 'em like a good laugh. Which I had plenty of today. Somehow I felt today was especially fun. It really was. Haha, anyways,
I used to think I've seen it all.
I used to think it'd be no big deal if I disappeared tomorrow, not to me, not to nobody.
I used to think life was overrated.
I used to think life hated me.
I used to think I could live alone.
But now I know,
That there's always more than meets the eye.
And now I know,
There's always something new to be seen in the same sights of everyday.
And now I know,
That living in the moment is a feeling of bliss like no other,
And now I know,
We have six senses, but we're usually closed to the sixth, the heart.
And now I know,
If you continue to tread the broken road, you'll pick up many shiny pebbles along the way.
There're people that,
Make you smile from the heart.
There're people that,
You'd trust with your life.
There're people that,
Make the sun shine through when skies are grey.
There're people that,
Paint your grayscale world technicolour.
And it's these people that,
Make your life worth living.
Let me tell you a story.
Your average Joe was driving along a freeway one day. He abides by the speed limit, for he is a simple, ordinary man. People zoom by in the fast lane, twice the speed or more than that of his. Speed demons, we call them. Demons they may be, engines howling, tires screeching as they zip past him, but they do not affect him, for the broken line on the asphalt is infinitely wider than it seems.
He lives an honest living, working as a salaryman, earning a meager wage. But he was happy with his life. After all, what was that not to be satisfied about? He had food to satiate his hunger. A home, he has, and returns to every day. A studio apartment, with four whitewashed walls, a meer 800 square feet, 800 square feet which encompassed his life. A nineteen inch TV, nothing fancy. Second-hand and ten years old it may be. But it serves its function. And he would never ask for more. A four poster bed, neatly made and it beckons him, beckons him to rest his weary head on a soft down pillow, beckons him to allow it to wash away his conciousness, beckons him to face the sight of warm orange, piercing into the calm, deep blue sky, which resists not, for none can escape the flow of time. And to its beckoning, he answers.
As he lies, he gazes at the night sky through the little window he always looks through. What he sees, is a beautiful sky, a deep indigo blanketed by grey clouds, lit up by the Moon, graciously shining down upon the Earth, which too, like you, bask in the moonlight, weary from the intense, unforgiving gaze of the day. But most of all, you notice that, today's sky, is not the same as yesterday's. He sees many stars. He loves looking at the sky, but most of all he loves the stars. "They're so pretty!" He thinks. They twinkle and shimmer. Some in harmony, some in discord. Some in phase, some not. Some fainter than others, some brighter than others. Sometimes he thinks, if they even realize he's here, gazing lovingly upon them from afar.
For he loves the sky so, and watches it every night, he notices how it changes. Some nights he sees no stars, for the lights of the city brighten the sky so, and their faint twinkling is masked by the bustling city underneath. But in loss, there is gain. He then gazes upon the brightly lit buildings below. Lights they may be, but under each and every one of those lights is a human life. And those lights flicker on and off ever so often. But most nights, the city is at peace, as the city sleeps as it rightfully should when the Sun slips ever so meekly down the horizon.
He names the stars he sees, for none of them are quite like another. The little one in the North-East he named Chris, and the cheeky one in the South, Jude was his name, A bold one, in the West, one that always seemed to have many others following him. That, he named Julius. A star, larger than the others, but always seemed a little lonely, Goliath, he called him, would be lurking in the East. And a restless one, flickering ever so often, affectionately called Peter, in the middle of them all. But he sees them one day, but maybe not another. Maybe one of them decided to hide behind a little grey cloud for the night. Maybe another just decided not to shine today. Maybe another went to visit his grandma at another end of the universe. And maybe another just had a fight with the others and escaped to join the day on the other side of Earth, for day and night never mingle, never overlap. But he'll come back some day.
These stars, they move around ever so often, so random, so spontaneous, all in the same night sky, but yet he wondered, do they say hi when they pass by each other? Or would they just be too absorbed in their own business. He wondered, whether Jace had met Julie, because he knew they'd be such a perfect match for each other. He marveled, at Charlotte and Sherene, always at polar opposites of the sky but he knew they were the best of friends. He smiles at the stars that twinkle, for stars twinkle when they smile, and so, he smiles back.
For many years he watches the night sky, but yet, he knows nothing of it, for one day it is what it is today, but becomes yesterday next week, and becomes something totally unknown next year. He loves the night sky so, and is afraid he might forget what it looks like today. So he takes out his sketchbook, and etches it onto the page, ever so dilligently. It doesn't look exactly like what he sees, but he cares not, for there is beauty in imperfection. Happy with his masterpiece, he allows himself to drift away, knowing he'd always be able to see every face of the night sky which he loved so much any time he wanted, now that he had it in his beloved sketchbook. Maybe at a later date he might be disappointed. For as time takes its toll, the pages yellow. Friction makes its mark, smearing the pencil marks, distorting the beautiful view he adored so. At a later date he would lament, but he would remember, he had a kindred spirit. He would then meet up a good friend, now old and grey, sketchbook in hand, ruffled at the edges, and yellow too, from aging. And together, they would piece together, the night skies they had fell in love with so long ago over, and continue sketching on those same pages. Yellow as they may be, sktech on those pages they will, till they can take no more, and crumble to dust.
Haha, okay. I'm done. I just sat down at my com feeling a sudden urge to write, poured everything out, and viola, the end product of two hours, here. It's probably very incoherent. My thoughts were rushing all over the place. I think it's the sugar rush. Dessert party on an empty is not a good idea XD So sorry there was so much extra Eme, we all wanted to eat more, we really did, but, now I know, there's only so much dessert you can eat XD And also, endorphins are good for you! =) And nothing releases a good bunch of 'em like a good laugh. Which I had plenty of today. Somehow I felt today was especially fun. It really was. Haha, anyways,
Haha, I better get some sleep now. I don't think my family or neighbours appreciate hard hard rock being blasted at 2:16AM from my new playlist courtesy of Angie. Lol x)
Cheers people,
Cheers people,
Saturday, March 28, 2009
We take on many different things in life. Some new, totally unfamiliar and totally out of our comfort zone. Something so unfamiliar, so disconcerting, but at the same time, so exciting. And the whole time you think, "Could this be the start of something new?" Well, you'll find out what at the other end of the rainbow if you stick with it long enough =) Let's hope it's something good!
It's Been A While
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Just a little something from me to us.
Though blood may be thicker than water,
And wine more bitter than gin,
If you hear distant chatter and a howling holler,
That'd be us making a din,
Time flows on and faces pass,
But the bonds we forged are there to last,
Of you all, nothing more I would ask,
But a meet in the future for one more laugh,
Ken turns up looking like a bear,
Eme whirls round and shoots him a glare,
Yimay appears with style and flair,
Rujin smiles her demure smile so true,
And surprise surprise,
Angie shows up in not purple but blue!
Glowing splinters relighted, rekindled anew,
Old flames burn bright and we chat over stew,
The night flies by and inevitably we part,
But each of you know, you have a place in my heart.
I'm nowhere near as good as Angie, but haha, here it is. My cheers to friendship =)
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Imma happy today =)
Because I got to prank someone =) Double prank actually. I pranked someone into thinking I was pranking her but led her on to believe that I was actually not pranking her but was pretending that I was pranking her but in the end I revealed the prank and pranked her =) Understand that? I doubt so, but it does make sense if you read it carefully =X
"Oi! What you guys doing?! I'm warning you, stop it now!"
"Stop grinning at me like that!"
Okay fine, it wasn't exactly a prank, it was more of a surprise, but still, I had fun x) And I'd like to extend my gratitude to the hottest girl in A52(A) for giving me the oppurtunity through her great idea =) Lol x) It's nice to know I haven't lost my edge in at least ONE thing xD
And since I'm so happy today, I shall share one of my all time fav songs with you guys =)
Warning: Pwnage guitar chords ensue. Not for the elderly, those with heart diseases and infants.
Hirano Aya - God Knows...
English Translation:
"Oi! What you guys doing?! I'm warning you, stop it now!"
"Stop grinning at me like that!"
Okay fine, it wasn't exactly a prank, it was more of a surprise, but still, I had fun x) And I'd like to extend my gratitude to the hottest girl in A52(A) for giving me the oppurtunity through her great idea =) Lol x) It's nice to know I haven't lost my edge in at least ONE thing xD
And since I'm so happy today, I shall share one of my all time fav songs with you guys =)
Warning: Pwnage guitar chords ensue. Not for the elderly, those with heart diseases and infants.
Hirano Aya - God Knows...
English Translation:
I run past you with a parched heart.
I'm sorry I couldn't do anything.
You wouldn't even let me
Share the pain with you.
In order to live on purely, without looking back
I turn my back and leave
on the lonely rail
I'll be right behind you.
Even through the most bitter darkness of the world,
you will definitely shine.
And at the end of the future
To stop your spirit from breaking due to weakness
my way, converges with yours and now,
The both of us may God bless...
Please reach, my burning passion
melts reality and wanders aimlessly.
There is no reason for the feeling that makes me miss you so,
But it overflows towards you, I'm Lovin' you.
At least, while painting beautiful dreams
let's chase after them
for your lonely heart.
Stop it, lying isn't like you.
Look in my eyes and let's speak of the future
I've already made my resolve.
Even for a dark future,
Just become strong and you may be able to change fate
my wish, as much as I want it granted,
Only God knows...
You're here, and I'm here-
The others have somehow disappeared.
As we sketch the wonder of a fleeting dream
We trace our scars too.
And so, I'll be right behind you.
Even through the most bitter darkness of the world,
you will definitely shine.
And at the end of the future
To stop your spirit from breaking due to weakness
my way, converges with yours and now,
The both of us may God bless...
Cheers =)
P.S. Bio today wasn't as bad as any of us imagined it'd be........ I
wonder if she was just in a bad mood yesterday or has she given
up on us already. lol.
You know what? The more I write the more I lose confidence in myself. How ironic is that? XD
True Tears
Tears, in all basicity are just water. 70% of the human body is made up of water, so it's probably no surprise that it's no difficult feat to cry. All of us have cried tears before, but have you cried true tears?
To get by in today's world, societal norms often require us to restrain our true selves to uphold an image in society. To be something you are not, to say something you do not mean, is in other words, to lie. But the world is built on lies and life is just a grand facade. Ever had a guilty pleasure? Something that you know you'd be frowned upon by those around you if they ever found out?
Day after day we put on masks and parade ourselves around the city as if it's the natural thing to do. We change ourselves to fit in and lie to impress. When we look in the mirror, we aren't even true to ourselves. Then I ask you, where does the true self lie when you aren't even true to yourself?
The human heart is a fragile one. We never fully let our guard down, sometimes even around the nearest and dearest. There's nobody who knows yourself like you do. It's only a matter of whether you accept what you see in its entirety, whether you like it or not.
Ever had a secret you never told anyone, or something you feel you just can't tell anyone? Deep-seated feelings like resent, loneliness or guilt? And the closer people try to get to subjects like these, the more you tend to reject them. But hypocrisy is an intrinsic quality of the world's workings. The more you reject them, the more you actually want them to find out.
Lay a trail of breadcrumbs while batting them away, desperately trying to show them what's beneath the farce. You really want to share it with someone, someone who understands, someone you can trust. And the moment that someone breaks the final barrier, the final mask you wear, only is the true heart to be seen, and tears spring forth instantaneously whether you like it or not, and those are true tears. Tears, cried not from the head, but from the heart.
It doesn't take much. Just one sentence would do. "All this while you were just lonely weren't you?" or "Don't worry, no matter what happens, I'll be there for you." I've seen true tears, just once. I've cried true tears, just one. Have you?
True tears are tears which spring forth from the heart, but none other than the true heart.
To get by in today's world, societal norms often require us to restrain our true selves to uphold an image in society. To be something you are not, to say something you do not mean, is in other words, to lie. But the world is built on lies and life is just a grand facade. Ever had a guilty pleasure? Something that you know you'd be frowned upon by those around you if they ever found out?
Day after day we put on masks and parade ourselves around the city as if it's the natural thing to do. We change ourselves to fit in and lie to impress. When we look in the mirror, we aren't even true to ourselves. Then I ask you, where does the true self lie when you aren't even true to yourself?
The human heart is a fragile one. We never fully let our guard down, sometimes even around the nearest and dearest. There's nobody who knows yourself like you do. It's only a matter of whether you accept what you see in its entirety, whether you like it or not.
Ever had a secret you never told anyone, or something you feel you just can't tell anyone? Deep-seated feelings like resent, loneliness or guilt? And the closer people try to get to subjects like these, the more you tend to reject them. But hypocrisy is an intrinsic quality of the world's workings. The more you reject them, the more you actually want them to find out.
Lay a trail of breadcrumbs while batting them away, desperately trying to show them what's beneath the farce. You really want to share it with someone, someone who understands, someone you can trust. And the moment that someone breaks the final barrier, the final mask you wear, only is the true heart to be seen, and tears spring forth instantaneously whether you like it or not, and those are true tears. Tears, cried not from the head, but from the heart.
It doesn't take much. Just one sentence would do. "All this while you were just lonely weren't you?" or "Don't worry, no matter what happens, I'll be there for you." I've seen true tears, just once. I've cried true tears, just one. Have you?
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
About yesterday's post....
It was just horribly incoherent. I was honestly quite distressed yesterday. I wanted to say something in that post but ended up not doing so, because it isn't really my place to do so. Writing isn't something to be done when not in a calm state of mind. I probably didn't make much sense, so sorry to those who took the time to read it lol.
Anyways, I feel 'stellar' today too. Been horribly sluggish the whole day. I blame it on the fact that I got too much sleep. Yes, too much. Whenever I get >10 hours of sleep per 24 hours, I turn horribly slow. Don't ask me why, it just is. And you know what? Getting back the Bio test didn't really help either. Ms. Foong isn't really one for mercy. I felt like I was strewn on the ground like overnight streamers from the party last night, rolled over by an army tank and burned strand by measly strand.
"From this I know that none of you will do well in Unit 5 and Unit 6. This is not going to end well. I can assure you of that."
Well, great that you're so confident about it. Kudos to you. It's like my dignity was ripped apart shred by shred and fed to sharks. What's worse is the sharks didn't even like it. They spit it out and decided to chew on the carrot she was dangling from a fishing rod instead. Good grief.
Okay, nevermind. I think this whole 'getting too much sleep' thing really got to me. Maybe everything isn't as bad as it seems to me today. Remind me to get LESS sleep today. Cheers~
Anyways, I feel 'stellar' today too. Been horribly sluggish the whole day. I blame it on the fact that I got too much sleep. Yes, too much. Whenever I get >10 hours of sleep per 24 hours, I turn horribly slow. Don't ask me why, it just is. And you know what? Getting back the Bio test didn't really help either. Ms. Foong isn't really one for mercy. I felt like I was strewn on the ground like overnight streamers from the party last night, rolled over by an army tank and burned strand by measly strand.
"From this I know that none of you will do well in Unit 5 and Unit 6. This is not going to end well. I can assure you of that."
Well, great that you're so confident about it. Kudos to you. It's like my dignity was ripped apart shred by shred and fed to sharks. What's worse is the sharks didn't even like it. They spit it out and decided to chew on the carrot she was dangling from a fishing rod instead. Good grief.
Okay, nevermind. I think this whole 'getting too much sleep' thing really got to me. Maybe everything isn't as bad as it seems to me today. Remind me to get LESS sleep today. Cheers~
Monday, March 23, 2009
I Believe
Warning : This is a TL;DR post. Not for the casual reader. Unless you're really free. You should be studying.
You know what? I just cut my hair, after saying I had to about 3 weeks ago. And you know what? I happen to think it's fugly. But heck, who cares? My niche in society is definitely not 'the cool one' or 'the handsome one' so a bad haircut or two won't make much difference x_x
On another note, I had LAN Moral today. Can everyone say yay? Thank you =) It was so fun i tell you. I'm serious this time. Class ended at 5.15 when it's supposed to end at 7. I was like...... Whoa, is today a fantastic day or what? Anyways, the topic discussed today in Moral was the Principle of Existentialism.
Let's get down to business:
Existentialism: a chiefly 20th century philosophical movement embracing diverse doctrines but centering on analysis of individual existence in an unfathomable universe and the plight of the individual who must assume ultimate responsibility for acts of free will without any certain knowledge of what is right or wrong or good or bad (Again, couresty of =) )
What's not to love about this? It speaks the truth in a nutshell. Ever wonder what's the meaning of life? This is the answer: Nothing. Life has no meaning. We just exist because we do. Essence after existence. Existence superceding purpose.
Satre states that "Man is the future of himself" and "Man is nothing else besides his plan; he exists only to the extent that he fulfills himself; he is therefore nothing else than the ensemble of his acts, nothing else that his life."
All in all, existentialism denies the existence of God. Now me, not being particularly committed to any religion of any sort would normally have no bone to pick with this. But I must say. I disagree. I rarely take a stand. But on this, I disagree.
Why so? Maybe I'm naive, maybe I'm superstitious, maybe I'm biased towards believing in the metaphysical. But you know what? Most people wander through life without noticing the little signs and pointers on the way. They may not be neon signs in the pitch black of night, but they're definitely there, for God works in curious ways. This, I know from experience.
An exerpt from Mitch Albom, For One More Day:
You know what? I just cut my hair, after saying I had to about 3 weeks ago. And you know what? I happen to think it's fugly. But heck, who cares? My niche in society is definitely not 'the cool one' or 'the handsome one' so a bad haircut or two won't make much difference x_x
On another note, I had LAN Moral today. Can everyone say yay? Thank you =) It was so fun i tell you. I'm serious this time. Class ended at 5.15 when it's supposed to end at 7. I was like...... Whoa, is today a fantastic day or what? Anyways, the topic discussed today in Moral was the Principle of Existentialism.
Let's get down to business:
Existentialism: a chiefly 20th century philosophical movement embracing diverse doctrines but centering on analysis of individual existence in an unfathomable universe and the plight of the individual who must assume ultimate responsibility for acts of free will without any certain knowledge of what is right or wrong or good or bad (Again, couresty of =) )
What's not to love about this? It speaks the truth in a nutshell. Ever wonder what's the meaning of life? This is the answer: Nothing. Life has no meaning. We just exist because we do. Essence after existence. Existence superceding purpose.
Satre states that "Man is the future of himself" and "Man is nothing else besides his plan; he exists only to the extent that he fulfills himself; he is therefore nothing else than the ensemble of his acts, nothing else that his life."
All in all, existentialism denies the existence of God. Now me, not being particularly committed to any religion of any sort would normally have no bone to pick with this. But I must say. I disagree. I rarely take a stand. But on this, I disagree.
Why so? Maybe I'm naive, maybe I'm superstitious, maybe I'm biased towards believing in the metaphysical. But you know what? Most people wander through life without noticing the little signs and pointers on the way. They may not be neon signs in the pitch black of night, but they're definitely there, for God works in curious ways. This, I know from experience.
An exerpt from Mitch Albom, For One More Day:
It's like this line is drawn somewhere in the world and if you never cross it, you'll never consider throwing yourself off a building or swallowing a bottle of pills, but if you do, you might. ..... The truth is, there is no line. There's only your life, how you mess it up, and who is there to save you.
Or who isn't.
It's like this line is drawn somewhere in the world and if you never cross it, you'll never consider throwing yourself off a building or swallowing a bottle of pills, but if you do, you might. ..... The truth is, there is no line. There's only your life, how you mess it up, and who is there to save you.
Or who isn't.
I'm not afraid to say I've messed up more times in my life than I can count, but what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger. And I am proud to say I'm way stronger than I was way back then. I've fought with friends, caused rifts in cliques. Not once, not twice, but thrice. One astronomical, one severe, one superficial.
The thing is, with me, when things get rough like this, I get really down in the dumps, and I can't hide it. It just shows on my face and in everything I do apparently. You feel like your world's been uprooted and hung upside down, and everything just falls apart. But still, not all was lost. There is always light at the end of the tunnel. God sent me angels, not once, but twice. And indeed, save me they did.
Signs come in many shapes and sizes, in all sorts of disguises. For me, they're in everything I see, everything I do. A song I just happened to randomly download helped me through a rough patch.
You're the reason for the teardrops on my guitar,
The only one who's got enough of me to break my heart.
Taylor Swift - Teardrops On My Guitar.
Directly related? No. Did it help? Yes. It really got me thinking. And before I knew it, I gathered my resolved and scampered off into uncharted territory.
There was also another time, where I got involved in a huge tiff between friends. It was bad. Calls weren't answered, messages weren't replied, but we persevered and light shone through. I received an email at 3:11am. And attached to it was a favourite bible verse of hers, Corinthians 3:11.
It's small things like these that make me believe in the divine. A friend once told me, "Sure. Whatever rocks your boat. You see what you want to see in things." Point accepted. But still, does it matter whether they're actually signs or not? Even if it wasn't meant to be a sign but it pointed you in the right direction, by accident or not, it is still a sign, no?
I'd like to quote Raven's Nest:
God, to me, is pure Love. He/She/It could care less if I'm fat or even greedy or if I lose my temper when I'm tired. Even if I don't approve of or love myself... even if my mother didn't... God loves me all the time simply because that's who/what God is. Sins, I think, are a human invention. The only thing that's truly sinful in my view is being unloving, because being unloving disconnects you from LOVE (though even that doesn't disconnect LOVE from you).
And it is because of this guiding hand that I believe that there is, in fact a purpose for us. Something we were meant to do, born to do. Based on what? That's not important. But, I believe. Do you?
I'm not afraid to say I've messed up more times in my life than I can count, but what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger. And I am proud to say I'm way stronger than I was way back then. I've fought with friends, caused rifts in cliques. Not once, not twice, but thrice. One astronomical, one severe, one superficial.
The thing is, with me, when things get rough like this, I get really down in the dumps, and I can't hide it. It just shows on my face and in everything I do apparently. You feel like your world's been uprooted and hung upside down, and everything just falls apart. But still, not all was lost. There is always light at the end of the tunnel. God sent me angels, not once, but twice. And indeed, save me they did.
Signs come in many shapes and sizes, in all sorts of disguises. For me, they're in everything I see, everything I do. A song I just happened to randomly download helped me through a rough patch.
You're the reason for the teardrops on my guitar,
The only one who's got enough of me to break my heart.
Taylor Swift - Teardrops On My Guitar.
Directly related? No. Did it help? Yes. It really got me thinking. And before I knew it, I gathered my resolved and scampered off into uncharted territory.
There was also another time, where I got involved in a huge tiff between friends. It was bad. Calls weren't answered, messages weren't replied, but we persevered and light shone through. I received an email at 3:11am. And attached to it was a favourite bible verse of hers, Corinthians 3:11.
It's small things like these that make me believe in the divine. A friend once told me, "Sure. Whatever rocks your boat. You see what you want to see in things." Point accepted. But still, does it matter whether they're actually signs or not? Even if it wasn't meant to be a sign but it pointed you in the right direction, by accident or not, it is still a sign, no?
I'd like to quote Raven's Nest:
God, to me, is pure Love. He/She/It could care less if I'm fat or even greedy or if I lose my temper when I'm tired. Even if I don't approve of or love myself... even if my mother didn't... God loves me all the time simply because that's who/what God is. Sins, I think, are a human invention. The only thing that's truly sinful in my view is being unloving, because being unloving disconnects you from LOVE (though even that doesn't disconnect LOVE from you).
And it is because of this guiding hand that I believe that there is, in fact a purpose for us. Something we were meant to do, born to do. Based on what? That's not important. But, I believe. Do you?
Sunday, March 22, 2009
I just saw it. I've been linked on Angie's blog. It's such an honor, it brings tears to my eyes! And my tag is meringue, pronounced meh-rang. Not meh-ring-guay :) - a dessert topping consisting of a baked mixture of stiffly beaten egg whites and sugar (definition courtesy of Gotta love that site :D)
Yumm. Looks tantalising, no? :)
ohcrapwhatthehellamIdoinghere? Studybiodammit!
.... And there's still that phys homework.....
Ohhh, gawd. xD
ohcrapwhatthehellamIdoinghere? Studybiodammit!
.... And there's still that phys homework.....
Ohhh, gawd. xD
Friday, March 20, 2009
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
My Wonderful Cousin You Never Knew I Had.
Okay, so have I told you guys I'm actually half Arabian before? Well, yes, I am. And I have an Arabian cousin. Lo and behold, my favourite cousin. Al-Jibra! This is a baby photo of him!!!
I used to bully him, pinch his cheeks and laugh at him all the time! Ain't he cuuuute? =)
Well, I regret that now.
Lookit him. Big, bad, mean..... And he really packs a punch. I met him today for the first time in a long time (not really) but yeah, I tried to insult him but he socked me in the eye. And it still hurts now =(
On a more serious note, I filmed "Running In the Rain II" yesterday. On top of that, the producers gave me this wonderful souvenir! A nice incision wound about 5cm long on my arm. Yay =) It really hurt for a while, and to top it all off, I took 1.5 hours to get home. Stupid rain. Stupid traffic jams. Stupid me for trying to save RM1.50 by not getting on the highway. On the plus side, I got to drive behind a really great guy!
I used to bully him, pinch his cheeks and laugh at him all the time! Ain't he cuuuute? =)
Well, I regret that now.
Lookit him. Big, bad, mean..... And he really packs a punch. I met him today for the first time in a long time (not really) but yeah, I tried to insult him but he socked me in the eye. And it still hurts now =(
On a more serious note, I filmed "Running In the Rain II" yesterday. On top of that, the producers gave me this wonderful souvenir! A nice incision wound about 5cm long on my arm. Yay =) It really hurt for a while, and to top it all off, I took 1.5 hours to get home. Stupid rain. Stupid traffic jams. Stupid me for trying to save RM1.50 by not getting on the highway. On the plus side, I got to drive behind a really great guy!
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Things you never got to do and stuff you never got to say
Yeah, on the subject of rummaging through my house, I found another few interesting trinkets I'd forgotten about a long time ago. A little stuffed dog in a plastic bag found a new home on my shelf. A plethora of souvenirs from China were unearthed. But most nostalgic of all was this:
Haha, lookit that, clumsy and homemade from head-to-toe x) It was form 3 if I'm not mistaken. A Christmas present :)
Open the wrapping and whaddaya get? A lil container made of manila card. Haha, it was hard for me to get out of the house and buy a present at that time. What's inside it I wonder?
Haha, wow, a stand made of satay sticks covered with coloured straws, held together with thread. Heh, see the huge yellow smiley face? So corny x) Let's examine it closer shall we?
Seven strips of paper in the colours of the rainbow, with a little green bead in the centre (you can't see it, but its there) strung together with needle and thread. And a little tail with another 3 green beads, and a transparent flag made of cello tape x)
And inside the smiley face,

Haha, aww. I blanked out the name(s). Malu la Xp Seriously, the stuff I did ><
But I really did want to give this to her. I guess part of the reason was that I was shy. It doesn't look very good and I was afraid it would look out of place under the Christmas tree x) The other is, well, the chance was really hard to come by. And I never have the courage to take that extra step.
Lesson learnt: Always take that extra step whenever it is necessary. I've spent loads of my life cowering under the sheets wondering what would have happened if I had taken that extra step. Well, don't.
Haha, aww. I blanked out the name(s). Malu la Xp Seriously, the stuff I did ><
But I really did want to give this to her. I guess part of the reason was that I was shy. It doesn't look very good and I was afraid it would look out of place under the Christmas tree x) The other is, well, the chance was really hard to come by. And I never have the courage to take that extra step.
Lesson learnt: Always take that extra step whenever it is necessary. I've spent loads of my life cowering under the sheets wondering what would have happened if I had taken that extra step. Well, don't.
I really do.
You know what? I suddenly had this overwhelming urge to read through my high school essays again. I looked through my whole house trying to find at least one. And well, I did. Find one, that is. It wasn't one of my best works, but it was nostalgic.
Come to think of it, I miss learning English. I miss writing. I miss the times after we get back our composition papers and we'd sit in circles reading each others' essays. And probably most of all, I miss Pn. Jugdeep, the first person to ever recognise me in high school and make English fun, for all of us. I wonder what it'd have been like if I had a proper English teacher to guide me from the beginning. I wonder what it'd be like if I had pursued writing for a career. I wonder, I really do. Because I love writing, I really do.
Come to think of it, I miss learning English. I miss writing. I miss the times after we get back our composition papers and we'd sit in circles reading each others' essays. And probably most of all, I miss Pn. Jugdeep, the first person to ever recognise me in high school and make English fun, for all of us. I wonder what it'd have been like if I had a proper English teacher to guide me from the beginning. I wonder what it'd be like if I had pursued writing for a career. I wonder, I really do. Because I love writing, I really do.
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