Monday, March 23, 2009

I Believe

Warning : This is a TL;DR post. Not for the casual reader. Unless you're really free. You should be studying.

You know what? I just cut my hair, after saying I had to about 3 weeks ago. And you know what? I happen to think it's fugly. But heck, who cares? My niche in society is definitely not 'the cool one' or 'the handsome one' so a bad haircut or two won't make much difference x_x

On another note, I had LAN Moral today. Can everyone say yay? Thank you =) It was so fun i tell you. I'm serious this time. Class ended at 5.15 when it's supposed to end at 7. I was like...... Whoa, is today a fantastic day or what? Anyways, the topic discussed today in Moral was the Principle of Existentialism.


Let's get down to business:
Existentialism: a chiefly 20th century philosophical movement embracing diverse doctrines but centering on analysis of individual existence in an unfathomable universe and the plight of the individual who must assume ultimate responsibility for acts of free will without any certain knowledge of what is right or wrong or good or bad (Again, couresty of =) )

What's not to love about this? It speaks the truth in a nutshell. Ever wonder what's the meaning of life? This is the answer: Nothing. Life has no meaning. We just exist because we do. Essence after existence. Existence superceding purpose.

Satre states that "Man is the future of himself" and "Man is nothing else besides his plan; he exists only to the extent that he fulfills himself; he is therefore nothing else than the ensemble of his acts, nothing else that his life."

All in all, existentialism denies the existence of God. Now me, not being particularly committed to any religion of any sort would normally have no bone to pick with this. But I must say. I disagree. I rarely take a stand. But on this, I disagree.


Why so? Maybe I'm naive, maybe I'm superstitious, maybe I'm biased towards believing in the metaphysical. But you know what? Most people wander through life without noticing the little signs and pointers on the way. They may not be neon signs in the pitch black of night, but they're definitely there, for God works in curious ways. This, I know from experience.

An exerpt from Mitch Albom, For One More Day:
It's like this line is drawn somewhere in the world and if you never cross it, you'll never consider throwing yourself off a building or swallowing a bottle of pills, but if you do, you might. ..... The truth is, there is no line. There's only your life, how you mess it up, and who is there to save you.

Or who isn't.

I'm not afraid to say I've messed up more times in my life than I can count, but what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger. And I am proud to say I'm way stronger than I was way back then. I've fought with friends, caused rifts in cliques. Not once, not twice, but thrice. One astronomical, one severe, one superficial.

The thing is, with me, when things get rough like this, I get really down in the dumps, and I can't hide it. It just shows on my face and in everything I do apparently. You feel like your world's been uprooted and hung upside down, and everything just falls apart. But still, not all was lost. There is always light at the end of the tunnel. God sent me angels, not once, but twice. And indeed, save me they did.

Signs come in many shapes and sizes, in all sorts of disguises. For me, they're in everything I see, everything I do. A song I just happened to randomly download helped me through a rough patch.

You're the reason for the teardrops on my guitar,
The only one who's got enough of me to break my heart.
Taylor Swift - Teardrops On My Guitar.

Directly related? No. Did it help? Yes. It really got me thinking. And before I knew it, I gathered my resolved and scampered off into uncharted territory.

There was also another time, where I got involved in a huge tiff between friends. It was bad. Calls weren't answered, messages weren't replied, but we persevered and light shone through. I received an email at 3:11am. And attached to it was a favourite bible verse of hers, Corinthians 3:11.


It's small things like these that make me believe in the divine. A friend once told me, "Sure. Whatever rocks your boat. You see what you want to see in things." Point accepted. But still, does it matter whether they're actually signs or not? Even if it wasn't meant to be a sign but it pointed you in the right direction, by accident or not, it is still a sign, no?

I'd like to quote Raven's Nest:
God, to me, is pure Love. He/She/It could care less if I'm fat or even greedy or if I lose my temper when I'm tired. Even if I don't approve of or love myself... even if my mother didn't... God loves me all the time simply because that's who/what God is. Sins, I think, are a human invention. The only thing that's truly sinful in my view is being unloving, because being unloving disconnects you from LOVE (though even that doesn't disconnect LOVE from you).

And it is because of this guiding hand that I believe that there is, in fact a purpose for us. Something we were meant to do, born to do. Based on what? That's not important. But, I believe. Do you?

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